Teeth Whitening

Laser Whitening
Whitening your teeth is a very popular cosmetic procedure that is non-invasive and creates a beautiful white smile that is very attractive. When people begin to age, it is natural for their teeth to darken when the mineral structures within their teeth begin altering. This occurs from smoking, as well as consuming foods or liquids that could cause stains on the teeth. Laser teeth whitening could help provide a solution for some of these problems.
What is Laser Teeth Whitening?
Laser teeth whitening is one of the most common ways to solve the problem of discolored teeth. In recent years, this procedure has grown in popularity because it is safe and it will not cause damage to the patient's gums or the structure of the tooth. This procedure is done in our office and our dentist will determine which type of whitening procedure is most appropriate for them.
After your mouth is prepared, a layer of bleaching gel is applied to your teeth that contain natural pH levels. The next step is the gel for the laser which causes the mineral accelerant held within it to activate. This causes the whitening gel to transform into oxygen. At this point it covers the tooth's enamel and allows the whitening gel to become penetrated into the tooth's lower levels so teeth whiten. It is possible for teeth to look up to between five to six shades brighter with laser whitening. The purpose of the laser is to speed up the process of whitening through its interaction with the gel that causes the whitening to occur. It typically takes about one hour for the procedure.
What You Can Expect From Laser Teeth Whitening?
One of the biggest advantages of laser teeth whitening is that, from beginning to end, the entire procedure takes about one hour before noticeable differences are seen. Laser teeth whitening is not recommended for people who have receding gums, sensitive teeth, or other severe problems with their teeth. It is also not recommended that women who are pregnant, or people who are sixteen years old or younger.
It is also possible that the patient's teeth may come out whiter than they believed they would be. This is not a long-term problem due to the fact that laser teeth whitening does not have permanent results. With that in mind, some stains could resurface that could require additional laser treatments to be required.
If you would like additional information about laser whitening please contact our office.